Thursday, 29 April 2010

Midweek Update of my Egg-speriment!

After Day 1 of my egg-speriment, that night the induction flu or low-carb blues hit me hard. Basically, during the day time, I ate my eggs (x 5 Scrambled with plenty of butter and cheese) for breakfast but I forgot to take my lunch (boiled eggs x3) to work with me.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am now a postman by trade, and this day I was delivering a new unfamiliar and huge route. (Now if your from the USA or Canada and even an Australia, a postman here in the UK actually delivers mail mostly via foot and bike). Now, today's round was quite long and arduous and with no food for lunch, I soldiered through, which meant me not eating low-carb every six hours as I am supposed to. For all you people reading my blog, who maybe interested/considering trying out a low-carb lifestyle or following along, you should be eatting every six hours, regardless if your hungry or not, its just the rule to feel good and to get the maximum weight-loss results. Remember, that low-carb dieting is all about eating yourself slim, not like the alternative diets where you starve yourself to lose, which is very unhealthy.

So yep, basically I made this mistake (Although, I took and drank a lot of water) and what happened? Well, I think this really brought on the induction flu big time. For those, also who don't know what induction flu is... well it's a culmination of symptoms. Mainly, headaches, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, some report being sick too. But my symptom was a huge headache, you know the splitting of your head in half kind. Fortunately this passed rather promptly and the majority of time I was sleeping through it ;) It did however, linger around until the very next evening. This wasn't too nice, but I know it's part of the low-carb process, and although some would consider this a negative, I knew it was a step in the positive direction. What I mean by this is, my body was now beginning to change its major fuel source from Carbohydrates to Fat, and thus from this stage on it was the beginning of me losing weight and the start of the benefits of receiving extra energy and loss of appetite.  Now when I say loss of appetite, I am less of a slave to over eating, and that's a good thing, because I am not constantly feeling hungry or thinking I want to eat.

Yesterday, I also had a physical examination for two reasons mainly. The first reason is, because I am planning on teaching English in China in September, and it's a visa requirement. Second reason is to collect some stats on my health. Unfortunately, in this country if you want to take a cholesterol test, the doctors have to take a blood sample and send it off to a laboratory. So I will keep you posted on these results. They also took my height and weight (I will reveal my weight measurements at the end of this week) measurements and a PH sample (As I had another long day at the office, so to speak aka delivery wise) and that I just started this low-carb diet. My PH results weren't surprising in that they was a little acid, a value of 6 (6 is nothing to worry about though), rather than the optimum of 7. But I imagine as the next two weeks progress this will eventually equalise. My blood pressure was 120/60mmHg. Which in fact, I thought the diastolic pressure was a bit low, but I feel great and the Doctor seems to think this is normal and fine, so no worries there. Healthy BP by the way is 120/80mmHg. I also had some other tests performed but again these are for the first reason.

Ok it's getting rather late, so I will update you on my progress more tomorrow :D

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