My Personal Journey and Misson in Reducing my Weight and Improving My Health. To discover if the Atkins Approach Really Works.
One Mans Personal Mission to Reach 12 Stone Again :o)
Am a bit disappointed in myself this week, Current Weight: 82 kg | 12.9 Stone | 180.8 lbs. I kind of slipped on my food choices a couple of times. I put in a lot of hard work as far as exercise was concerned, but I just let myself down on the nutrition front, doh! Which inevitably led to an 0.3kg weight increase (and not a 1 kg loss BTW I don’t like weight gains :o/ ), and roughly .5 of an inch on my hips + adding an additional week to reaching my goal. So my prediction to my ideal weight is still another 5 weeks from now.
Results are shown below:
On the flip side, I started a 6 weeks sit up challenge on Sunday and since then I have kept up with the 8 minute ab workout on a daily basis. All going good there at least… For those of you not familiar with my Personal 6 Week Sit Up Challenge, you can check out my YouTube video, below where I talk about it.
Anyways I think I will keep this short and sweet. Am going to be real strict on myself this week, on both low carb nutrition (No more carb deviations) and exercise. Starting with Volleyball tonight, and of course carrying on with my 8 minute ab workout later. Wish me luck!
Ching ching, check out this weeks weightloss. The fat just seemed to melt off, no thanks to the British Weather though. Just going to keep this short for the minute. Will add more banter later. But for now... below you can see my recent picture and this weeks stats. Njoy.
Ops, first of all, I just want to apologise to you all, for neglecting you all and not adding any content to my blog for a such a long while. I think it works out 7 weeks in total since my last post.... eck! I wonder if any of my existing readers are still around?!?!
So what has been keeping me from all these weekly updates? Hum...Where to start???
Well in a nutshell a few things have been keeping me busy these last days/weeks/months, like;
I failed a module in my degree, which meant re-sits, I was then given a huge assignment, that took up a bit of time,
I then went on a brief holiday to my dad’s house to see family and friends (Which is quite far away, but was fun),
Whilst on this holiday, I then found a flat, which I now intend to purchase. Which meant, travelling 600 miles 2 more times, 1. to view the apartment and then 2. to fill out all the paper work and sort out the mortgage, solicitor, survey etc.
Also after the confirmation that I passed my second semester at uni. Then, I have mostly been focusing my attention towards my new job/my clients project. Which has been keeping me mega busy. 1. because there is a lot of work involved in a small amount of time, and 2. This also means I need to learn/read/practice and test a lot to get the job done.
On top of this I have been wondering in and out of the low carb lifestyle. Yes, I have a huge confession to make, I have been cheating on my low carb lifestyle….This has happened for many reasons, mainly due to me being lazy, not preparing my dishes, and not being around low carb foods or not being home to cook. Oh and I have been out socialising quite a bit too.
I have been keeping an eye on my weight though. If you look to the very bottom of this page, you can see my previous weeks entries, all plotted on the graph. Unfortunately though, during these weight in’s I haven’t taken any pictures. I hope to resume this, this week.
I have learnt a lot though about my body during these past couple of months. For a long time I had worries and concerns that, if I was to stop Atkins / Low Carb living that I would balloon and return to my previous obese self. But what I can see is, even though during this time not following Atkins so strictly. i.e by eating tones of junk foods, like pizza, BBQs, McDonalds, KFC’s, curries, chocolate, ice cream, cream buns etc yes the list goes on. I didn’t return to my former fat self. In fact, you can see from the graph, I never went above my lowest recorded weight more than 3kg which is awesome.
What then do I have to say for my rebellious behaviour to Low Carb Living??? Well, am SORRY to all you readers out there. However, if I kept up my low carb living, now I probably would be at my ideal weight, and not only that maybe my 6 pack abs would be showing… Ouch! So I guess just knowing this is like punishment enough. But you will all be glad to hear, am back to my low carb ways once again and I feel better for it too.
If any of my previous readers are still around, feel free to leave me a few comments to give me a good telling off. Hehehe!
Below is this weeks results, nearly identical to Week 17s, so its like I have time warped into the future a couple of months :o) Regardless of my poor eating choices…
Yippee, check me out... 1.5 kg loss in comparison to last week ;o) Am now 83.5kg (184.1 lbs or 13.2 Stone). Currently am averaging 1.02kg loss per week that is over the past 17 weeks. Am literally shrinking and it feels great, plus it's up lifting and even more motivating because I'm actually getting closer to achieving my goal. 7.5kg left to lose, which at this rate could predict a further 7.5 weeks to go, but don't let me get ahead of myself here. A lot can happen in this time...
I've also started to implement an 8 minute abs workout on a daily basis to work on shaping a 6 pack ;o) Now that all university sporting activities have stopped (Except for Volleyball on Wednesdays), I've also taken up more walking exercise too. When the weather is good, I tend to walk 2 hours or so, I have this really nice scenic route I enjoy pacing around whilst listening to the radio.
Oh that’s another thing.... I need to start thinking about moving to stage 3 of the Atkins plan, the "Pre-Maintenance Phase". So I might have to make a small trade off soon; change my diet by adding more carbs for a slower weight loss rate.
Ok that’s it for now, but before I go some last minute info how uni life is going, I passed all my modules except one (So only one resit to do, but luckily this is in the form of an assignment so phew). Have also found and started a valid project/dissertation (which is keeping me very busy at the moment) but the bonus here is, I will be getting paid £230 per week to do it, yeeha!
K take care all you low carbers, and good luck with your weight loss results this week, I am keeping my eye on you… especially you Roy and Scotty ;o)
Hey folks, sorry for such a delayed post. Am becoming a very lazy lame blogger at the moment. Lots of things are happening or happened since the previous post.
Week 16 Results are nearly identical to last week, but there is a twist. The reasons is: if you can remember me posting about me going to a Volleyball Tournament in Nottingham, well during this period, I kind of slipped off the low carb bandwagon. The tournament took place over the weekend, and whilst at the venue I tended to eat/drink loads of high carb crap. To be honest, I didn't have much choice for two reasons, one they didn't supply low carb foods, and two I didn't really prepare for this by taking my own food. But what was the actual outcome of such Atkins treachery?
Well see below: That’s correct, no weight loss or weight gain, I stayed exactly the same. In my measurements I had a slightly smaller difference in my arm girth. Outstanding, nearly half a week of eating high carb junk foods and no weight gain. I might add, after the weekend, I was so close to my weekly weigh in (as in Wednesday) I decided to carry on with my bad habits (Sort of take a break from low carb) eating high carb till the end of the weigh day week.
Seriously I was surprised with my results, I thought I would be at least 2kg heavier than at the start of the week. To list a few of the high carb junk foods I ate was: Pepperoni Pizza x 2, Hot Dog & Chips, Fried Egg Rolls, Big Mac Meal (Large), Cantonese Style Black Bean Sauce with Peppers and Egg Fried Rice, Oreo McFlurries, German Homemade Chocolate cake with Nutella spread on top etc... and yes... no weight gain from all this.
You will be pleased to hear though, am back on track with low carbing now. But madness the way I didn't gain any weight (Probably increased my LDL cholesterol though). I guess I exercised a lot or maybe the food hasn't caught up with me yet to actually make any negative impact. Who knows, lets see what next weeks results reveal.
Because of all the work I have set at the minute, plus that summer has finally arrived in the UK and I have started to exercise more at the minute, I've decided to change my blog format a little due to lack of time.
From now on, and I hope you readers don't mind, I am going to do just weekly updates of my progress (with the exception of some posts when I find interesting things which I feel need to be shared with you guys). I am also going to stop uploading my daily food diaries, because this is very time consuming to fill out each day and produce online.
I hope you guys and gals don’t mind and I would be glad to hear some of your views and thoughts. I hope you peeps are equally or better succeeding with your weight loss journeys. Till next Wednesday, be cool, lose weight and have fun :oD
Hello all, sorry I have been away and unable to update my blog. This is just to let you all know a mixture of sunshine, playing sports, working on my PGCE application, University Project/Dissertation etc has been keeping me far too busy and away from my blogging.
I will be away from Friday too, because I'm going to Nottingham for a Volleyball tournament yeeha! and coming back Sunday. So wish me luck... :oD Nevertheless, I will try to back post when I have time.
BTW its results day today...! and boy what a bad week I had sticking to the Atkins program. But regardless of indulging in sugary treats and eating plenty of nuts, has my weight loss stalled? Or worse have I put on weight... well look below to find out!
That’s right another 1 kg loss. Amazing huh... I put it down to all the exercise I was doing, and of course sticking mostly to low carb foods (near enough all week). You see you can have the odd treat now and then and still lose... but be aware! WORD OF CAUTION: you need to do plenty of exercise to counteract!!! If your metabolic resistant, it’s probably not a good idea to indulge either.
Anyhow here is my Week 15 Picture; can you tell any difference???
Oh and look at the dirty lense on my friends camera... I Think I need to clean it for next week. Ciao :oP
What a busy day I've had, especially as far as exercise goes.
There's a couple of things I would like to mention... I've been a bad bad Atkineer this week, not only have I diverted from the Atkins plan once but an additional two other times this week. The McDonalds Toffee Oreo McFlurry has just gotten the better of me too many times (On Wednesday, Friday and today). But I haven't taken these devilish treats lying down, oh no... To counteract or counter balance this effect I have been out there working it.
Let me give u a little low down of my activities of the day. First off, I walked to the library for alittle studying/internet browsing/e-mail catching up etc (It takes 45min there and back to walk + I carry my heavy laptop on my back adding additional intensity). Come 13:45, I then partial run walk home to gear up for volleyball training.
Running a little late I only get 1 hour 45 minutes of vb training in, but believe me that’s enough to get a sweat on :oS
Afterwards, I get home and do another workout, the 8 minute Abs workout. Oh btw this is the start of my Abs training, am determined to get a 6 pack so lets see if this video training works out ;o) hehehe! I plan to try and do it every day now, after all "its only 8 Minutes long, everyday "as the guy says on the video.
So muscles pumping and sweat pouring I decide to take a rest, shower up, and make dinner. Oh but It don't stop there neither...
No, No, no, its back out for a nice walk in the sun, whilst playing around with my friends Nikon SLR camera in South Stack Wildlife Area on Anglesey. But this is kinda of where I went wrong with my diet... on my travels I come across McDonalds, and the oh so tasty memories of the Toffee Orio McFlurry came flooding back. So yep I enjoyed yet another one of these Sweet and tasty deserts.
However, determined not to let this high carbohydrate product get the better of my weight loss this week, once home, I endured another very long walk, but this is the cool bit. I killed three birds with one stone (This is a metaphor not literally me killing birds). I found out, my mobile provider gives me free calls to any other Orange customer between the hours of 19:00 til 23:59, so on my walk, I flipped out my phone and jibba jabbered to my parents whilst walking. Check out how modern I am exercising on the move whilst chatting ;o)
So yep, that was my exhausting day, just to burn off those excess carbs ;o)
One of the highlights of today was playing in a volleyball match for the first time in years. Our Bangor University team vs Wrexham University. When we arrived (2 Hours later) the campus was really nice, they have awesome sport facilities too :o)
VB Player 2 VB Player side note: inside the sports hall they had sprung wooden floors :oP Now players of the game know and appreciate that when you go from playing on hard synthetic surfaces to sprung wooden floors, it's like sweets to a low carber and hence why am talking about it. It was very nice to play there on such a surface, (softer on the knees and helps increase the vertical jump a tad).
Anyhow, basically we played 7 sets over two hours, so it was an awesome workout... but boy did we get owned (pwned) we lost straight sets. We went with a mixed team and with high hopes, but the team we faced had four Polish International volleyball players plus it was an all men’s team. So as you could imagine we got kained... Nonetheless I still had loads of fun...
Afterwards came the trouble though. As we drove back home, team members wanted to stop off at McDonalds... and you know what this would mean...! Basically everybody was getting food and eating around me, and me being one not wanting to be left out... ended up joining in too... doh! But actually I enjoyed myself as I slowly spooned down some ice cream. Yep the Toffee Oreo Mc Flurry ooooh so good :oD I mean bad :oS lol! We also had a few social drinks in the pub, but I was good here just by drinking diet Cokes.
Woowho another week of weight loss, down .5 kg (Which brings me to 86 kg | 13.6 Stones | 189.6 lbs in weight), some would say am on a roll but without the bun :o) bum bum….I know, I know bad pun intended.
Actually I wanted to talk about water retention today. Mid week I actually lost a whole kilogram, it was rather bizarre. I weighed myself Sunday morning and found myself to be 85 kg, I then went to volleyball practice and since then I found my weight up to 86 kg for the rest of the week, but this is where something weird happened.
After today’s body measurements I could hardly believe my eyes. In fact it prompted me to re-measure myself several times, just to make sure…. and to my astonishment I found major losses in inches around my waist, hip and thighs. Tallying up my weight loss being only 0.5kg loss in comparison to last week results, you would think, how can I lose so many inches in these areas? So I’ve kind of come to the conclusion it has to do with water retention this week not truly reflecting my real weight.
I’ve lost .75 inches in my Hip area, 1 inch in my thigh area and 1.5 inches in my waist, incredible don’t you think?!?! I guess not, after all I am doing the low carb lifestyle ;o) hehehe!
That’s all I really wanted to report for today. I hope you all are equally having the same success.
Ps. I also had a buzzcut, arrrrr much better ;o)
Pss. Plus I had my first McDonalds Toffee & Oreo Mc Flurry.. oh my gosh.. tastes so good!
Am feeling great today, and in half an hours time, I'm off to volleyball practice. I cannot wait to absolute pound the ball. Anyhow before I go, I just wanted to update you all on another video I have created. It's only a 18 second clip.
Bit of background: I was approached by a website called "Promise Aid". They asked if I would do a short clip for them, just saying something on the lines of... I promise to do... "This is where I had to fill in the gaps!"
See my video below for more details. Apparently Yau, the website owner is going to snip and compose a video for his homepage with people's promises. Wow, so I could be appearing on his website soon ;o)
Anyway talk to you laters :o) Keep going all you low carbers ;o)
Exercise over, and one shower later and here I am! Not many people turned upto volleyball, but still plenty of fun and running about, so just as good :o)
I wanted to Add, I've ran out of my Atkins bars.... only One Instone Pudding to go and then its mayhem.... How am I going to cope without CHOCOLATE, Arrrgggh! I guess it's time to face my daemon and resist the urge a little, or at least til desperation sets in, so I might put off buying any more bars for a while... maybe :oD
Anyhow I hope you kiddies are ok... ttyl (or for those who are not familiar with this nerdie acroynm, it means Talk To You Later).
Hey blog-followers, today I want to show you my progress thus far, but not via stats but actual photos. Am just under half way now on my weightloss plan, and when I look back 13 weeks from now, its amazing to see the differences in my body shape to date.
Although this is extremely embarrassing to show, I've come to the conclusion, what the hell. I do look hideous in these photographs too... but my point is, you can see I have lost weight :o) I mainly took these pictures first thing every morning, hence if your wondering why I look half asleep, or have bed face, then there you go...hahaha!
You maybe able to spot the difference ;o) hehehe!
and I don't think I need to say that the picture on the Left was taken at Day One of Atkins, and the one on the Right is the picture of me to date do I ;o)
Anyways, I highly recommend anybody on a weightloss journey to take self pictures like this. One because you can see what you've achieved and Two, because it can spur/inspire you in times of need :o) Just thirteen weeks from now you can achieve the same or even better results, its not an aweful lot of time in the great scheme of things.
I've now uploaded pictures of me for every weigh-in date so far. So feel free to retroflect on my past Atkins ordeal.
Check this video out... If your on a weight-loss journey this is very touching and highly inspiring, it's probably a video you can relate to as well. I had to post this here, everyone trying to or losing weight should view this, take notes and define/set your own goals like this, just so in times of darkness, you can remind yourself how far you've come, why your losing weight in the first place, and hopefully it'll keep you on track for success.
Check out me on youtube :oD This could be the start of a series of posts. Let me know what you think... Its basically an introduction. Njoy
A side note, I also tried a new Chocolate bar today, the Cavalier Trio Bar: Pistachio Chocolate version.
It's only 1.8 Net Carbs, and quite cheap at 79 pence... but Unfortunately, I didn't really like the taste. Rather than a pistachio taste I found it more minty, am not sure why this is, perhaps because the bar has green filling inside. Each piece of chocolate is contained in a small plastic tray too, so I feel cheated not getting a full 25g chocolate bar. Ratings out of 10, I would give it 4.5. I definitely won't be buying any more of these bars, but being chocolaty it gets some marks for that :o)
Wooowho... Exams are over for a while... (Well until July's re-sits, that is... :o? ) Yes, it was my last scheduled exam. How did it go...??? Well I have mixed feelings about this one. I only needed roughly 25% to actually pass this module, but it all depends how kind the Exam marker will be with my paper, fingers crossed it will be enough :oS
To celebrate some of our class got together and went to the pub to relax/chat etc, it was cool. Of course I was good by drinking loads of Diet Cokes, well kind of, actually I slipped by having my favorite drink... The Kopparberg Non Alcoholic Pear Cider. If you've never tried this, I thoroughly recommend it, its probably my favorite drink of all time. However, if your a low carber it might not be the smartest choice, but saying that I don't know how much sugar it contains, because there is no label on the bottle (Which is very naughty of the company). Here is a pic of the drink...
oh so nice :oP In fact just thinking about it now, makes me want to drink another, hehehe!
I also tried a new chocolate bar the "Sweet n Low Milk Chocolate bar". Which is 3 Net Carbs. I must say this is the most disappointing of all the bar's I tried so far. Its not really a milk chocolate taste, rather very subtle chocolate taste. The texture is rather plastic, not smooth. Of course it's eatable, but I probably won't buy it again. Better products are on the market, I would rate this bar 4 out of 10. The size is pretty small too.
Anyways the moment you've all been waiting for... Results Day Week 13. Did I lose, or did I gain...???
This week its a positive sign, another 1 kg loss, I am now 86.5 kg (13.6 Stone, 190.7 lbs) woowho! Bringing me to a total of 14.5 kg loss with 10.5 kg remaining. I just can't believe how easy it’s been to lose this weight thus far. Where other diets have failed, this one is just sooooo easy, I love it :oD and I feel fantastic. If your just about to start Atkins, don't worry soon you will be saying the same thing, and I wish you also the best of luck. Feel free to post your progress :o)
BTW I also enjoyed 2 Hours of Volleyball Training too :oD
Oh dear... procrastination just got the better of me today!
Don't you think its funny when you have to prepare for something like an exam or write an essay etc, you can always find something else better, more interesting to do as long as it keeps you away from your original chore/plan. All of a sudden anything that distracts you becomes really appealing, like gazing into thin air, day dreaming...
Yep, I fell into this trap all day. I just couldn't concentrate on my revision, and to top it off the blinding sunshine outside didn't help :o) I am going to be in serious trouble for the exam tomorrow, lets hope the questions are on something easy or exactly what I revised (Which wasn’t much o my!) :oS Oops!
Hum for breakfast, I couldn't help it. I just had to eat 3 Atkins Advantage Caramel Bars: The Chocolate Peanut Nougat version. I woke up this morning just all peckish, and I went straight for the chocolate. It seemed so right at the time. The first bar just went down a treat, and I thought to myself, are why not indulge in another, so I went up to my low carb stash (box) and pulled out another.
Sat back on the sofa, unwrapped the bar, steadily consumed the second. Then all of a sudden it was like deja vu. Except another bar had disappeared. Yep, I love chocolate and yep I enjoyed it... but there is only one problem... hence the heading, Excessiveness may cause a laxative effect. So am not looking forward to that event any time soon... (Coming Soon 2 a toilet near me...!) eeck lol :oS
Other than this nothing else much to report. I did go out and enjoy some British weather, went up Snowdonia mountain, walking for a couple of hours.
I tried another new low carb product today. The Instone High Protein Vanilla Pudding. Before I bought this desert I was kind of expecting an actual sponge pudding with vanilla sauce on top. However... just a warning to those of you, if you thought the same as me, its not! Its actually like a yogurt type product, perhaps will a little more thicker texture. Its very nice, bit sweet with a strong vanilla after taste. Out of 10, I would rate this a 7 out of 10. I will probably buy this product again in the future... but it’s not something I would eat regularly (plus it’s quite expensive for its size). Although saying this, I do have two of these puddings (2 chocolate ones) still to eat from my low carb order (from the other day). Oh one cool thing to mention, this is only 1 Net Carb per serving which is amazing, therefore it's a wonderful product when your in need of something sweet and low.
I also squeezed in Volleyball training today with plenty walk about :o)
Woowho! I made it to the end of another great Season of Heroes, the only problem is... I have to wait until Season three arrives.. doh! Absolute awesome though. Feel free to share your opinion about it below :o)
It’s a bad day, clues are in the header why... I had a Database Exam early this morning, and despite revising all week, the exam went really bad. Worst Exam ever!!!
Anyhow despite my blues, I easily cheered myself up by watching 7 episodes of Heroes (season two) in a row. How amazing is this series, if you don't know what Heroes is you must find out....You can thank me later!!!! It’s probably the best series ever!! I am just astounded by it, proper addictive too :oD
Anyways enough about Heroes... what else did I do... well nothing much.. but for breakfast I did try something new. Yes it was part of the low-carb stash I bought the other day. This time I tried the Atkins Advantage Caramel: Cookie Dough Bar...
My review of this product, well its very close to the Atkins Advantage Caramel: Chocolate Peanut Nugget Bar (Wow these bar names are long), but with less nuts and more dough, it's very chewy too :oP I was very satisfied with the taste and would rate it 8 out of 10. Unlike the Chocolate Peanut Nugget bar which is 3 Net Carbs, the Cookie Dough Bar is only 2 Net Carbs, making it a clear favorite of mine ;o) So on my next bulk order I will buy more of these :oP
Well All I can say is, In your Face Exam, In Your Face Obesity and hello summer and yeah I love Volleyball. As you can see am pretty pumped and excited. Yes, its been a class day, the sun is shining, my exam went swimmingly, I had an awesome training session (@ volleyball - Also am a little sad cause some fello players are leaving).
.... but most importantly the two week stall is over... and check these stats, ka-blam! Am well on my way to serious lossage ;o)
Oh and.... here's Johnny, yes am back! I've back dated some posts for you all to view, so you might want to peddle backwards every now and again to see what you've missed, I plan to fully update my blog over the next week.
Phew... thats said here are my Stats
BTW am not 100% finished with my exam period... so expect some slight post delays, between now and next week.
Two Birthdays in one Week, Eck! This time it's my Mums Birthday. Happy Birthday Mum, Hope your having a wonderful day. Lots and love and Kisses Love Son :oD
Long time no read…right? I just want to apologise for my absence…Although it doesn’t look like too many people have missed me so far :o( Plus it wasn’t my intent to leave you lovely people in the lurch!
Anyways yep I have been mega busy… University assignments and now University Revision… and next week its exams, yeeeah with a sarcastic thumbs down! So this is just a quick update, I thought I would drop a line, to let you dedicated readers know… am still alive, healthy and well.
Atkins has been going slow for the past 3 weeks (You can see this from my chart at the bottom of the page), but am still following the lifestyle (Apart from a couple of mishaps along the way, especially on my house mates Birthday, oops). Nonetheless, I have some good news, I plan to do a massive update for this Wednesday, which so happens to be, Weight-loss Results Day, 1st Exam Day, Volleyball Day and my return :o)
I will try to put up my previous entries too…so you can see what I have been upto. I will say one thing though, I feel awesome. I hope you all are fit, healthy and well, losing plenty of weight and enjoying the sun.
Today Ron and my Mum got Married. So just a shout out, wishing them the best of Luck for the future and Sorry I couldn't be there for the wedding. It was probably a good thing because I might of gone carb crazy with all the wedding cake :oP hehehe
Oh man, another week of going no where! The results are out... and Yep, pretty much the same as last weeks, but can I complain? Well not really, Mondays splurge kind of got me into this mess in the first place. Dam birtday celebrations ;o)
On a lighter note, I thought I would buy myself some Low Carb Goodies. Hopefully with these low carb treats I will prevent myself from eating anything remotely high carb, plus it will cure my sweet tooth (for a while). Well thats the theory anyways :o)
So this is what I ordered online:
1 x Instone High Protein Pudding Vanilla Creme 3 x Instone High Protein Pudding Milk Chocolate 15 x Atkins Advantage Bars Caramel Chocolate Peanut Nougat 1 x Atkins Advantage Bars Caramel Cookie Dough 2 x Woodies 4 Pack Hazelnut 2 x Yep Fondant Bars Hazelnut 2 x Trio Bars - Cavalier Pistachio -Milk Chocolate 2 x Sweet n Low Chocolate Milk
Now before you judge me, this is not all my order. In fact my house mate has now joined me in eating low carb, having seen my success so far ;o) So therefore this is partly both of our orders. Plus by ordering in bulk, it works out loads cheaper. I say cheaper, but not really, all this food came to a total of £44.04. ($86.54 US). TBH its outrageous the price a low carber has to pay. If anyone knows of any cheaper way of getthing these products, let me know :o)
Wow since the start of Easter, today, finally I was able to go back to Badminton and play for two hours. For once I'm not inundated with loads of work - Actually I am still, but who cares, I haven't played Badminton in so long, I just had to go ;o) + I needed to burn off those straggling carbs I accumulated a day or so ago :oS
Earlier in town in-between lectures, I also popped into my local health food shop and bought some extra supplements. After reading about how important Vitamin E and Omega 3 is for both body and mind, I couldn't resist buying some. Don't worry I won't be giving a lecture on how important these nutrients are (I just don't have the time at the minute) but if your wondering why... remember Google is your friend so go explore for the answer :oD
Other than this, a pretty good day, but with Results Day 11 looming tomorrow am feeling a little nervous, to say the least :oS
Wow what a great day... but perhaps not for dieting!
Like a week ago, I won't be telling you what I ate, some things are best kept a secret... but I can divulge that, I was a naughty high-carber and for nearly a whole day ;o)
This all came about because I was celebrating my house mates birthday, although her real Birthday isn't until Thursday. We decided to celebrate her birthday earlier, as today was her only day off this week.
In honor of her bday, we journeyed out to Llandudno, and coincidentally there just happened to be a Victorian Carnival Type Event going on. So we checked this out, went walking, did a bit of shopping (She bought herself a Nikkon SLR D60), and then drove around the Orms Head (Which is a nature reserve type island).
The best thing though, we was blessed with the sun and heat throughout most of the day, so it was awesome :o)
Want to start Atkins? But perhaps unsure, or don’t know how to get going? Welcome to my blog, to view my quick start guide, click here -> QuickStartGuide <-- Its free ;o)
Hum... maybe I should get someone else to write this bit... but erm... yeah! Am 28 Male, Fat & Bold, I can be occassionally funny. Am a good listener, and enjoy socialising. I really like to meet new people and am currently a Student doing my MSc in Computer and Internet Systems. I love website design and currently learning programming. I also do lots of sports, but at the mo I play alot of volleyball and badminton.