Date | Age | Weight |
02/09/09 | 29 | 13st 9.1lb | 86.7 kg | 191.1lbs |
Measurements | Inches | CM |
Chest | 37.25 | 94.62 |
Waist | 37.5 | 95.25 |
Hips | 41.75 | 106.05 |
Upper Arm | 13.5 | 34.29 |
Thighs | 26 | 66.04 |
Monday, 7 September 2009
Whoops, Belated Results + Mini Post
Whoops, I nearly forgot to post this weeks Atkins progress. Ok, Will keep this short and sweet, and sweet these results were :) Till Wednesday, keep on low carbing :D
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Celebration Feasts
So the first week back on low carb is behind me, Yes am feeling awesome already. Anyways how did my eating habits fair? To be completely honest with you guys, I struggled this last week. Not because i was craving for any high carb foods, but due to celebrations at home and the situations one can get themselves into without prior preparation.
For the most part of the week I stuck out low carb and tried very hard to eat only the healthy foods allowed on the induction list, but on the odd occasion I slipped up. Basically during this week my sister, niece, nephew and sisters boyfriend from the Midlands came down to visit my bro, dad and me. As you could imagine it was a nice family reunion and therefore we celebrated on this fact (As you do during these infrequent occasions).
We went out a few times, like to the Bournemouth Air Festival which was brilliant by the way.
For the most part of the week I stuck out low carb and tried very hard to eat only the healthy foods allowed on the induction list, but on the odd occasion I slipped up. Basically during this week my sister, niece, nephew and sisters boyfriend from the Midlands came down to visit my bro, dad and me. As you could imagine it was a nice family reunion and therefore we celebrated on this fact (As you do during these infrequent occasions).
We went out a few times, like to the Bournemouth Air Festival which was brilliant by the way.

As I didn’t really prepare for this sometimes I made some poor food choices.
Then later this week it was another celebration too as my dad is leaving for India for a couple of weeks. This is his first trip out of the country in a wee while! So basically I treated him and myself to Fish and Chips (Yes one of the UK best delicious delicacies). I did this because I know for the next two weeks he won’t be able to eat any of this in India hahaha!
So yup these are my confessions of carb feasts. However, the majority of the time I was eating very well, I cut back on all the junk except for the meals where I ate out of course + these meals I ate where in moderation.
Now for all you low carbers out there who may have just started out again or who may have stoodfast so far, just because I have cheated a couple of times this week doesn’t mean you can do the same. So I don’t want to be hearing "Well as John can do it I can do it" ;)
To make up for my slip ups though, i have been putting in quite abit of exercise. At the minute am pretty much getting in 6 miles of walking in a day and adding in a few reps of press-ups and the dreaded chin-ups.
Anyways that said, what do this week’s results reveal?
Then later this week it was another celebration too as my dad is leaving for India for a couple of weeks. This is his first trip out of the country in a wee while! So basically I treated him and myself to Fish and Chips (Yes one of the UK best delicious delicacies). I did this because I know for the next two weeks he won’t be able to eat any of this in India hahaha!
So yup these are my confessions of carb feasts. However, the majority of the time I was eating very well, I cut back on all the junk except for the meals where I ate out of course + these meals I ate where in moderation.
Now for all you low carbers out there who may have just started out again or who may have stoodfast so far, just because I have cheated a couple of times this week doesn’t mean you can do the same. So I don’t want to be hearing "Well as John can do it I can do it" ;)
To make up for my slip ups though, i have been putting in quite abit of exercise. At the minute am pretty much getting in 6 miles of walking in a day and adding in a few reps of press-ups and the dreaded chin-ups.
Anyways that said, what do this week’s results reveal?
Date | Age | Weight |
26/08/09 | 29 | 13st 13.1lbs | 88.5 kg | 195.1lbs |
Measurements | Inches | CM |
Chest | 37.5 | 95.25 |
Waist | 39 | 99.06 |
Hips | 42 | 106.68 |
Upper Arm | 13.5 | 34.29 |
Thighs | 26 | 66.04 |
Yep folks it’s seems am off to a positive start ;) A 1.2 kg |2.6 lbs | 0st 2.6 lb Loss, woowho! I hope you guys have equally had or have bettered these scores. But remember not all the time the scales indicate weight loss so don’t forget to take your body measurements too.
Would be great to hear your comments of success so feel free to share these in the comments section below.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Skypephone S2 <-- Cool deal for Brits and Maybe other countries too :)
Hi All, I thought I would share a cool deal with you (I think its only avialabe to UK people so if your from another country you will have to find out for yourself). It's not low carb information but about mobile phones.
I wouldn't normally advertise on my site products but this one is too good for keeping to myself and I like to share good deals with people.
So what’s the deal? Basically if your a bit of a Skype addict like me, my family and my friends etc, well this news might be of interest to you.
Now you can purchase a mobile phone where you can make Skype calls to/from it for free to other Skype users. However a lot of you out there might be wondering so what, I can do this already, but this is the great thing, can your mobile phone make/receive international phone calls for free? Well the Skype S2 phone can to other Skype users.
In addition it is also a normal mobile phone so you can call out via the normal network in case the person you want to ring is not on Skype (If the caller you want to ring is a 3 Customer you can also phone them for free.
But what’s awesome for me about this phone is as a lot of my family and friends are on Skype and are going to buy this phone too, so I will be able to call them for free and no more bills ;) (except of course the first one off payment of £40 ;)
For £40 you get:
I wouldn't normally advertise on my site products but this one is too good for keeping to myself and I like to share good deals with people.
So what’s the deal? Basically if your a bit of a Skype addict like me, my family and my friends etc, well this news might be of interest to you.
Now you can purchase a mobile phone where you can make Skype calls to/from it for free to other Skype users. However a lot of you out there might be wondering so what, I can do this already, but this is the great thing, can your mobile phone make/receive international phone calls for free? Well the Skype S2 phone can to other Skype users.
In addition it is also a normal mobile phone so you can call out via the normal network in case the person you want to ring is not on Skype (If the caller you want to ring is a 3 Customer you can also phone them for free.
But what’s awesome for me about this phone is as a lot of my family and friends are on Skype and are going to buy this phone too, so I will be able to call them for free and no more bills ;) (except of course the first one off payment of £40 ;)
For £40 you get:
- A cool brand new Mobile Phone (Skype Phone S2) <--Options to upgrade are available
- Earphones as a hands free kit and for multimedia (As you can use this phone as an MP3 Player
- Sim Card Battery & Charger
- 50mb Memory Stick (To save your pictures you took with your inbuilt 3.2 megapixel camera)
- Of course a manual that nobody reads ;)
- Free next day delivery shipping.
- Plus much much more
In addition every time you top up £10 on your phone, you get free internet, free text messages (300), free 3 to 3 calls and free Windows Live Messenger on your phone (These things aren't so important for me but maybe a essential to you but for me they are a welcomed extra). Like I said though, for me these are an additional bonus because I will mainly use my phone for Skype + it's also not necessary to top up your phone to use on Skype either. Oh and one more cool feature all the texts/internet access you don’t use etc that month, gets rolled over to the other months until you use them up (Unlike other network tariffs). And the mobile phone comes with some nice features to.
Click below the advertisement below to see all the details. If more people are interested, I will do a review on my phone when I receive it within a couple of days.
Another sideline note this offer ends on the 31st August 2009 so don't delay.
Oh and if you already have a 3g network capable phone, you don't necessary need to buy this phone, you could get a 3 sim card (Via the same link above), register it and use it in your phone and the cool thing is, the sim card is for free. So you can enjoy free Skype calls this way + all the extras when you top up.
Oh and if you already have a 3g network capable phone, you don't necessary need to buy this phone, you could get a 3 sim card (Via the same link above), register it and use it in your phone and the cool thing is, the sim card is for free. So you can enjoy free Skype calls this way + all the extras when you top up.
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Just Gain and Pain, doh!
So today is the official start of my second attempt to reach my goal weight. It was a year today since I last wrote in my blog? (Minus yesterdays post of course) and wow its fascinating to see the difference in my statistics even though they are not positive. Unfortunately if you scroll down to my Weight/Body measurements you can see my current status.
Now if you compare this year’s statistics to last year’s post (20/08/2008) you will see a marginal difference. Basically I have gained about 7.7kg (1st 3lb | 17lbs) which works out roughly 2inches of flab (added) around certain areas of my body like my chest, belly and hips.... Ecck!
However, what’s also intriguing for me is, when you hear about stories of people saying as soon as you stop doing Atkins (Low Carb) all the weight you lose comes flooding back and you gain even more weight. A year has passed (And I don’t consider this a short period of time) and I haven't ballooned to extreme proportions even after over-eating many many times during this year, so I find this an interesting stat. Of course some of you out there may have differing results – If you do, I would like to hear about it!
On a side note: I want to apologise too, that I haven't posted this week’s camera shot, unfortunately I won't be able partake in pictorial shots of myself for a while (Possible a few weeks) until I get a digital camera, but I am working on a solution ;) However, am sure for the people who don't like to see my weekly half naked shots they don't mind missing this, hehehe!
Another note: My Atkins progress so far in relation to my eating habits is going well.
So until next week, to all my visitors, be healthy, well and keep eating low carb....ok! I hope to hear more success from you. Till next week take care.
Now if you compare this year’s statistics to last year’s post (20/08/2008) you will see a marginal difference. Basically I have gained about 7.7kg (1st 3lb | 17lbs) which works out roughly 2inches of flab (added) around certain areas of my body like my chest, belly and hips.... Ecck!
However, what’s also intriguing for me is, when you hear about stories of people saying as soon as you stop doing Atkins (Low Carb) all the weight you lose comes flooding back and you gain even more weight. A year has passed (And I don’t consider this a short period of time) and I haven't ballooned to extreme proportions even after over-eating many many times during this year, so I find this an interesting stat. Of course some of you out there may have differing results – If you do, I would like to hear about it!
On a side note: I want to apologise too, that I haven't posted this week’s camera shot, unfortunately I won't be able partake in pictorial shots of myself for a while (Possible a few weeks) until I get a digital camera, but I am working on a solution ;) However, am sure for the people who don't like to see my weekly half naked shots they don't mind missing this, hehehe!
Another note: My Atkins progress so far in relation to my eating habits is going well.
So until next week, to all my visitors, be healthy, well and keep eating low carb....ok! I hope to hear more success from you. Till next week take care.
Date | Age | Weight |
19/08/09 | 29 | 14st 1.8lbs | 89.7 kg | 197.8lbs |
Measurements | Inches | CM |
Chest | 37.5 | 95.25 |
Waist | 39 | 99.06 |
Hips | 42 | 106.68 |
Upper Arm | 13.5 | 34.29 |
Thighs | 26.5 | 67.31 |
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Carb Attack! What have I done?
Oh Man.... First of all sorry to everyone who missed me. I was kidnapped by the carb police and force fed loads of junk foods until I gave up my healthy eating habits <-- Ok maybe the kidnapping story was just in my imagination but the carb blunders are not!
So why haven't I blogged for such a long time. To be honest I felt as am not following my low carb, mod protein, high fat diet anymore there is nothing to blog about. I haven't been following this kind of lifestyle now since the End of August 2008.
The reason? Hum... not sure... perhaps cause of the move to my Dads house (With my Dad encouraging bad eating habits), holidays abroad (eating unhealthy there), writing my dissertation (Stressing me out), splitting up with my girlfriend (More stressing me out), finding work (Throwing my eating habits all over the place) and adjusting to a new lifestyle (Becoming more sedentary than my active sporty lifestyle at Uni and lazily not preparing healthy meals). These are just some of the factors I guess which has kept me away from blogging and away from achieving my goals.
What is my punishment for all this, yes you've guessed it an increase in my weight and additionally feeling like crap due to the un-nutritional food I have been consuming for such a long time.
But finally am working to break this cycle. Believe me, I have been trying to do break this cycle for a while now. Therefore am searching for enLIGHTENment and encouragement from you guys to keep me on track, or possibly to join me. I don't know if anybody is out there to help me do this but if so drop me a line. I welcome all :o)
Anyways tomorrow, am going to announce my current weight and again I am going to strive for my goal weight of 12 Stone!
So why haven't I blogged for such a long time. To be honest I felt as am not following my low carb, mod protein, high fat diet anymore there is nothing to blog about. I haven't been following this kind of lifestyle now since the End of August 2008.
The reason? Hum... not sure... perhaps cause of the move to my Dads house (With my Dad encouraging bad eating habits), holidays abroad (eating unhealthy there), writing my dissertation (Stressing me out), splitting up with my girlfriend (More stressing me out), finding work (Throwing my eating habits all over the place) and adjusting to a new lifestyle (Becoming more sedentary than my active sporty lifestyle at Uni and lazily not preparing healthy meals). These are just some of the factors I guess which has kept me away from blogging and away from achieving my goals.
What is my punishment for all this, yes you've guessed it an increase in my weight and additionally feeling like crap due to the un-nutritional food I have been consuming for such a long time.
But finally am working to break this cycle. Believe me, I have been trying to do break this cycle for a while now. Therefore am searching for enLIGHTENment and encouragement from you guys to keep me on track, or possibly to join me. I don't know if anybody is out there to help me do this but if so drop me a line. I welcome all :o)
Anyways tomorrow, am going to announce my current weight and again I am going to strive for my goal weight of 12 Stone!
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