Oh, but I didn’t just stop there, oh no… In fact I jumped into my car, drove over to
Its amazing to have such nice weather at this time of year, I hope there is more to come.
My Personal Journey and Misson in Reducing my Weight and Improving My Health. To discover if the Atkins Approach Really Works. One Mans Personal Mission to Reach 12 Stone Again :o)
You could probably cook celeriac fries in a deep fat fryer without boiling them, only problem is though, I don’t have a deep fat fryer, but if anyone does try this let me know, I would be very greatful to hear ;o) Perhaps post a comment below :oD
Checkout my loss though, a whole Kilogram within a week, that’s just awesome especially because of my slight deviations whoops!
It was another day for product testing too. I tried some more of the Atkins range. This time I ate the delicious “Atkins Endulge Crispy Milk Chocolate Bar” and wow I was totally impressed with the taste of this bar in fact I reckon I could get addicted to these. My only two gripes are the size and cost. As usual £1 a bar is a bit steep especially when it’s only 40 grams in size but then again only 1 net carb can’t be bad :oP
On my travels I also visited the local fish and chips shop, and am glad I did because I had a juicy deep fat fried jumbo sausage, it was delicious (& without Chips ;o). Oh and I had another low carb Milkshake from Tesco, this time the chocolate one. It was very tasty but I definately prefer the Strawberry flavor, its more refreshing.
Anyways this is everything I've eaten today :oP
That’s a 2.6 kg (5.8 lbs) loss ;o) from 96kg (211.7 lbs). I was a little concerned earlier in the week that I would have a repeat of last weeks results….. so phew finally the stall is over…!
I did notice a small problem, and that is, I realized that it’s more difficult to take consistent body measurements than I thought, and hence if you look at my statistic’s closely in comparison to last weeks, I seem to be bigger in measurements in certain areas. Which prompted me to search on the net to learn how to take body measurements correctly, and I discovered something…
I discovered that I have been taking my measurements wrong all along. Especially because I didn’t know how to measure my thighs, waist, chest and hips properly doh!
I educated myself by reading these two well written articles:
Please check them out, even if you think you have been measuring yourself properly, still read just in case, I wouldn’t want you to be making the same mistake as I have been all this time!!!
Therefore the previous body measurements on my blog should be void and today’s results onwards should be the ones everyone should be keeping their eye on, doh!!!
Hope this helps. Anyhow I have still lost weight which is a good thing and here is today’s food.
Till next weeks weigh in, stay tuned & keep up the good work if your also losing along with me :o)
Part 2.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Hey hey, new day new style. I hope you like the fresh change, I decided to lighten up the blog a little and add more colour e.g blue, one because its my favourite color and two because black has to go out of fashion sometime :o] Plus now you can see all of the YouTube video posts, instead of the cut of right hand sides ;o) I have even added a new feature to my site… a statistics counter…
One of the main reasons why I am writing such a journal is just to report my personal highs/lows and potential successes whilst on the Atkins Diet. Additional to this, my challenge is to also inspire, find new friends and possibly build a little library of information to help up and coming low carbers have a smoother ride, so that they can be successful with their weight loss challenges too.
Hum… well today for the first time in a long time I have felt rather peckish. Since Atkins started I noticed how my appetite disappeared… however today all of a sudden I saw a mild version of it returning. On paper it shows that I’ve eaten many net carbs, but in reality I still feel like I haven’t eaten too much.
"Nikola . Howard AT low-carb . org .
To save her from getting spammed I wrote out her e-mail like this...to e-mail her replace the AT with the @ sign and remove the spaces.
I got the original recipe from another low carber on YouTube, her name is Kelly or aka wannabealoser ....She has some real cool recipes, and I just found her Pizza version, which looks extremely nice…. Check out her video below... Feel free to post her nice comments too ;o)
What I will say though is... its probably a good idea to cook your meat before cooking the cauliflower rice. Unlike what she does in her video... she is obviously using pre-cooked meat with her dish not RAW. I didn't try making my rice with egg either (as in egg fried rice) but used finely diced mushrooms instead. But perhaps tomorrow I will try this recipe again, as it tastes sooooo good :oP
If you liked Kellys video, also check out her site wannabealoser.com
I also took part in Volleyball today, which was fun :o) It seems like I am becoming a regular coach on Sundays now… :oS Again I hope everyone had fun who attended the session :o)
So after buying all kinds of food it was time to chill and munch. So first up I tried the Dr. Atkins Advantage Chocolate and Hazelnut Crunch bar, and I have got to admit it was a very tasty and rather filling snack. Although not too crunchy, I did find it very chewy, and not sooo chocolatie either, but delicious all the same, accompanying with that was a nice slice of cheese on the side.
Later when I got home, I then thought I would try and make my own chocolate cookie. Following another "Cooking with Amy" recipe. So I gathered all the ingredients, 1tbsp of Splenda, 1 egg & Chocolate Whey Protein (1 Scoop) and added a little water. Mixed together and slammed in the microwave for about 40 seconds. 40 seconds later I open up the microwave door to find this weird spongy pudding. It didn't look to bad I guess, but taste wasn't all that nice, rather rubbery and not very sweet. I did add whipped cream to the dish, but decided to just eat only the cream in the end and threw away the rest instead. I also bought some Vanilla Whey Protein, and made a shake from this, but it was pure disgusting, so I ended up emptying that down the sink too.
In the evening for my main dish I then tried The Pizza Omelet. My ingredients for this where, eggs, pepperoni, tomato puree and cheese. I created my omelet pizza base, smothered that with tomato sauce, then added some pepperoni and cheese and flipped one side over the omelet, until the cheese was melted. Voila...
It was then down to the eating part. For me I didn't find this dish so appealing. It wasn't quite what I imagined it to be, in fact I found the flavors rather contradictory of each other and it left a disappointing after taste, so I probably won't try this again. Perhaps it would be better with chicken???
And then for the rest of the day I ate more cheese, eggs and a chocolate bar. Also on my shopping spree I found out they now sell my chocolate breakfast bars for half price. As in a pack of 5 bars for £2.00 instead of £3.99, therefore I made sure to stock up on 4 extra packs ;o) There is my desert worries over for a while.
For tomorrow night I am going to make a Chinese dish, rice stir fry with soya sauce. I will keep you posted how this will taste :oP
As for the table of food, for the day.... here it is:
Notice how the chocolate food pudding I made isn't on the list... that’s because I didn't eat it! 1 bite was enough to chuck it away. Same with the Vanilla Whey Protein Shake, pure disgusting :o( Perhaps you guys have more luck. Or if you have any cool idea please feel free to share :o)
The thing is the exam was easy… but for me, I just had brain freeze… I just couldn’t perform or even think how to answer any of the questions, so much so, that I only managed to partly do one question and that was badly structured. For me that could have been the worst possible exam I have ever sat, and I am not exaggerating. Still Easter is coming and I think its time for a crash course in Java. What really bothered me the most however, was I thought I was actually getting good in this subject, and then to do so badly has really hit home hard! Are nevermind….!
Secondly because I have soooooo much darn computer work to do…. And what makes it worse is, I have a fat module slap bang in the middle of my semester when we have lots of work to do already, which makes my days at uni really long and arduous. Learning from 9:00am to 6:00pm and then further studying at home with brain fog with assignment worries on the brain is not my idea of fun. My mind can only take soo much aaarrrgghhh!
Plus because of this uni work it meant I couldn’t go to badminton, which for me is very rare and much to my displeasure…!
Good news is, tomorrow is another day and am sure I will be ok, after all my day consists of more and more lectures plus a Java exam eeeck! :oS But one thing is for sure…. Here comes the weekend…. Phew!
Ok anyways, this is going to be a short post, am sure you don’t want to really be hearing more of my tirades grrrrrrrrrr!
I now weigh 96 kg (15.1 Stone, 211.7 lbs). That’s right I lost a total of 1.5 kg which I guess sucks in comparison to last week, as I had high hopes to losing more, but the main thing is at least I didn’t put weight on! When I look back at the food consumed last week though, it doesn’t make sense that I didn’t lose more weight… so I think I will try to watch out on a daily basis of any foods which could affect my loss. Ok below is today’s munch:
I can see now why people get frustrated working all week to create results and then find there was little to no change :o( doh! Are well lets see what next week brings :o)
Anyhow, I wanted to chat about exercise today. I am not a personal trainer or anything but I do know a bit about Exercise & Physiology, Nutrition etc. I have a degree in Sport, Health & Physical Education and I just want to share a few pointers.
First of all, if your taking up exercise for the first time in a while, perhaps go see your doctor especially if your overweight or suffer from any health issues. I do advise that you also seek professional help albeit from a personal trainer if you can. But the main thing i want to talk to you about is, how to burn the maximum amount of FAT during exercise.
Exercise improves health and can reduce weight immensely, in fact a lot of people will say just exercise alone can help you to achieve your ideal weight without dieting. But imagine the combination of eating healthy whether on a low carb diet with exercise... in no time you could reach your dream goal!
A lot of people have the misconception that to lose weight they have to work hard with a "No Pain No Gain" attitude when exercising. Now don't get me wrong this does get results for very athletic sports people who want to push further in their abilities, but for normal or relatively overweight people this is just not true and can be dangerous to health & further lead to injuries. People who have be doing sports for years have conditioned their bodies to work at such high levels, where's as non sport folk haven't. Also if your suffering with high blood pressure (hypertension) this could also lead to disastrous results as in a myocardial infarction (heart attack) or stroke, hence why you should see a specialist trainer if you have no clue.
Although please watch out, some gym trainers really don't know what their talking about, and its all well and easy to think they do (But some are after your money only with no interest in you). So listen up, here is the advice...
What if I told you that you don't have to work out to hard to lose fat? Would you believe me? Well its true, Google around if you don't believe me... its all about cardiovascular exercise, 3-5 times a week (6 days a week is best) for roughly 15minutes a time or more. You can do this exercise just by simply walking (perhaps with the dog), jogging, swimming, gardening, teams sports or at the gym.
Basically the body uses two fuel states depending on what level of what intensity you work at. Between 55% to 65% of your target heart rate you tend to use fat stores as the main energy source, while higher than this you use glucose stores 65% to 85%. Therefore if you want to burn more fat you need to work in the range of 55% to 65%.
Take a look at the chart to see:
Source taken from: doctorsamimi.com <-- please check out this site for more details.
But how do you work out your heart rate zones, and how do you monitor these zones... good question.
To Work Out You Heart Rate Zones
Hum well to work out your target heart rate you need to do some simple maths. Basically by using this equation:
220 - Age = Your Maximum Heart Rate
Want to start Atkins? But perhaps unsure, or don’t know how to get going? Welcome to my blog, to view my quick start guide, click here -> QuickStartGuide <-- Its free ;o)