Monday, 31 March 2008

Day 41. Fun in the Sun

Hiya, today was like a Summers day except in March, and because it was sooo warm outside and sunny, I couldn’t stay indoors, I just had to get outside and enjoy this glorious weather, afterall it is in limited supply in the UK.

Oh, but I didn’t just stop there, oh no… In fact I jumped into my car, drove over to Newborough Beach and went hiking (roughly four hours +). It was awesome, I saw lots of beautiful sites and because the sun was fairly strong I even got myself a slight red glow ;o) Opps :o)

Its amazing to have such nice weather at this time of year, I hope there is more to come.

Other than this I didn’t do too much, basically chilled from doing any work for a change. I am hoping to have shed a few pounds with all that walking too :o)

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