Holy smokes… here I am writing a blog on my weight loss journey and then I go out and have a huge dish of Fish and Chips with a Battered Sausage (A great English delicacy btw)…. What is going on? You’re probably asking yourself. Well if you look at post "Day 33", it’s all explained there :o) But just so you all know my splurge period is over. No more diversions, no more slip ups, well not for another 6 weeks or so anyways ;o)
It’s back to the committed Atkins plan for me as of tomorrow. It was delicious to have fish and chips again though, and it was in aid of a special occasion, a family get together type treat :oP Especially as I will be heading back to university either tomorrow or the next day and my sister is off to Japan, so yep that’s what this splurge is all about :o)
Another point I want to make if your following along with my food choices, please don’t use my Fish and Chips record as a low carb food idea, because this is not a low carb dish ;o) This message is for all those people who need a contains nuts label on a pack of nuts :o)))) hehehe!
Nonetheless tomorrow is the big day, will this week be a good or bad weigh in experience…. Stay tuned to find out, I hope one meal hasn't underdone all my hard work :oS

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