Wednesday 9 April 2008

Day 50. Results day and my strange loss.

Ok I learned something new today, and it was one of those “You learn by your mistake” type lessons. Well basically I had a really bad bloated stomach all morning. When I woke up (real early morning), the first thing I did was jump on the scales. After all I was excited to see what my results where, being weigh-in day week 7 and all. Anyhow at the initial weigh-off, I found myself to be 91 kg which would mean a 0 kg loss. So I was slightly miffed and frustrated at no loss, but nevertheless I went off to university.

So I was going about my morning as usual until..! I had real problems with my stomach... You know those scenes where someone takes revenge on someone by slipping them laxatives in their tea/coffee/food etc... and then a couple of hours later the victims stomach starts to make those deep grumbling noises. Well these are the sounds my stomach was making at the time... The end result of what you see in the movies is exactly what happened to me.... you know where the guy/gal can't get to the toilet quick enough but when they're there its all good, well boy let me tell you.... I definitely sh*t for Britain... Apologies by the way if your eating whilst reading this :o)

Anyhow why did I bring this up you maybe wondering, well later that morning I decided to step on the scales again after the incident (just out of curiosity) and believe it or not... I was 1 kg lighter - and a lot less bloated ;o)

My dilemma now is, which result to class as this weeks results. Initially I was 91 kg before the 1st weigh-in and then 90 kg during the second weigh-in. I seemed to stabilized all day at 90 kg. Regardless, I decided to forward my second weigh-in results. But if you compare my measurements you can clearly see some differences to last weeks results too. All cool

So now I am 90 kg (198.5 lbs or 14.2 Stone).

Maybe if I side tracked you a little, or perhaps your on the ball your probably wondering what lesson did I learn today... well I found out that Maltitol was the cause of my stomach trouble, and guess how I consumed soo much. Thats correct from the Atkins Endulge Crispy Milk Chocolate Bars. On the back of the pack it clearly states, consuming too many of these bars can cause a laxative effect... and geeezz does it hell... hahaha! So just a word of warning always read labels and don't eat too much of Maltitol contained foods otherwise you could be sorry :o)

More information about > Maltitol <>

One more thing to add, today I decided to move away from the Induction Phase and to begin Phase two of the Atkins Plan... The Ongoing Weight-Loss Phase!

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