Tuesday 22 April 2008

Day 63. Here Comes the Summer!

Wow have had a great day, I did quite a bit of work, went to all my lectures, came home did a little more work, got a brief feeling of accomplishment, then went out for a nice walk in the sun (in shorts to take a break) then got home and was reminded of the rest of the assignments still due for this and the next week. The weather outside was bliss though, I love the sun :o)

Had “Bangors and Mash” low carb style for dinner (Not again your probably saying to yourselves) or cauliflower mash with frankfurter sausages, and I want to add…. this tastes the best, forget chicken, forget anything else the real deal with cauliflower mash is with sausages ;o) (If you disagree and have a better solution feel free to add your comment below).

For those of you who have been following my nutrition tables, may have noticed I’ve been eating a lot of same foods. I have a couple of reasons why this is…

  1. I don’t have a freezer anymore... so I generally buy in multiples then eat the same food over the next couple of days before it goes off or bad.
  2. Because of lack of time, or bad perhaps bad preparation I find it easy to cook the same meals. Cauliflower mash though is soooo quick and yummy :o)
  3. and lastly because all these things taste so nice and am not getting bored of them yet…. I will continue to eat this way unless I find something else ;o)

Anyhow, am always willing to try out any new suggestions, so feel free to post new tasty simple ideas.

I can’t believe it either, my ninth weigh-in day coming up already. Am not looking forward to seeing my results. I think its either going to be a stall or possible gain… eck! Lets see what tomorrow brings shall we.

Night night and stay tuned!

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