Oh the Soreness! For me this is very strange… I wake up and my whole body is aching… Ouch it hurts, even now when I lift my arms to type… :oS
Why you maybe wondering…??? Don’t worry it’s not some nasty Atkins side effect, no no no…. hum its my silly fault, probably because I over did it yesterday @ volleyball training + without a proper cool down, I guess I was just asking for it, doh! But it was all worth it, besides muscle damage + recovery = stronger muscles ;o) I also noticed this morning when I jumped on the scales, I seemed to have put on 1 kg. Probably all water retention who knows…
Apart from recovering all day, I also got productive, working on more assignments … oh and this is the tremendous bit… a mighty great big box full of computer books turned up at my door from Amazon (A total of nine books arrived, and no joke stacked together they’re about three quarters of a meter tall, lol!) yippee! Also just to note, I don’t normally get excited about receiving books, but these ones are just amazing.
Bit of personal background: For those, who haven’t already noticed from my frequent poor spelling/grammar posts, I’m dyslexic (So give me a break if I make a lot of mistakes ;o). I only found this out after my second semester this year (Been struggling all these years undiagnosed). Hence the reason for all these books, I get a £300 book allowance from my uni to help me with my studies, which is awesome… but perhaps they’ve come a little late, as am near the end of my course now…but I know they will be definitely useful in the future.
Did you notice as well, I updated my blog, I added another guru to my page, this time its HolaBaby. If your suffering with lack of imagination for low carb recipes, suffer no more, HolaBaby is here… check out all her videos for food inspiration ;o) You’ll be cooking up simple yet yummy meals in quick time.
If you have gotten this far and your still wondering about today’s header (I can’t fool you guys), I have a confession to make. Now, don’t be hating…I kind of broke my diet a little, perhaps a lot… and am sure all my excuses won’t convince you that it was ok for me to do what I did. Let me give you the low down of what happened.
Basically, as I said earlier I was working away all morning, plus I was running low on supplies (food in the fridge), and my house mate (Not mentioning any Names) came home. She was telling me how hungry she was, and vice versa. Anyhow some how or another she mentioned the topic McDonalds… and on top of that… free food in the same sentance. Anyhow to kind of summarise below;
Free food + Hunger + McDonalds = Craving
Craving = Breaking Out a (Large) Big Mac Meal with a Chocolate Donut :oP
Now my dad always says, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth?!!? And still to this day, I don’t truly know what this means… (feel free to answer below)… but I’ve always had the impression it means… when someone is offering you something take it! So the morale of the story is, I ended up eating McDonalds, and not to make any low carbers drool, it was very nice. I had a Large Big Mac Meal, French Fries, Diet Coke with a Chocolate Donut for afterwards :o) hehehe!
Ok now for the excuses… Yes it was free + had nothing in the fridge, we did this one, also it was kind of a celebration for losing so much weight so far... plus it was nice to take a break from the studies and this is the big one which may get me off the hook… I did go for a long walk for about 1 ½ hours, (Perhaps this burnt off a side of a bun) ;o)… Did I mention it was another great day for weather too, not trying to change the subject or anything hehehe!
Alright, I think we have all established am a cheater… but to all you readers out there I would rather come out being truthful than lie and not tell you about it, plus a one off every now and then doesn’t hurt… or maybe it does… results day in two days eeck :oD
Till next time :oD Keep on smiling

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