My second semester thus far isn’t going very well. Already I have missed three assignments, and the quality of my work has slipped in comparison to my last semester. I’m really starting to feel the pressure and am a little concerned that I might not pass my masters degree. I think my mistake was cramming/over indulging in learning java over the entire Easter period which lead me to neglecting my other subjects, which then snowballed into me now being over worked with assignments/deadlines. This phase seems like forever to pass. I guess my morale is low today, sorry about that.
On top of this disaster, I wanted to go and get some frustration out. So for the 1st time since the beginning of Easter, I decided to turn up for Badminton practice, but as the title suggests, yes…. Badminton was not on. I was really annoyed :o(
But today wasn’t all that bad, in the post arrived a laptop accessory. I bought an essential laptop stand (For better posture). Now I can align my laptop next to my widescreen monitor and dual screen. Plus I can use my regular mouse and keyboard instead of my laptop keyboard and track pad ;o)
Old Keyboard and Mouse + More Computer Screen = More Work Done Faster
The best news of the day however was the latest release of Ubuntu Linux, Hardy Heron 8.04. I’m a big fan of Linux by the way, and for those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about please go here to find out ->
In a nutshell, Ubuntu is a free alternative to Microsoft Windows and other operating systems…. It can run on a PC or a Mac and comes with a whole variety of free software (Loads of alternatives to expensive software and sometimes even better than the real deal). It’s an ultra reliable operating system, fast, stable, virus/spyware free, and even without a firewall it’s difficult to compromise. So if you want to run a faster safer better computer with free software perhaps try out Ubuntu ;o) There are other flavors of Linux too, but if you’re a beginner Linux user, I recommend you start with Ubuntu :o)

Hum, well I hope this post wasn’t to techi or gloomy for you, till next time, keep losing :o)
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